Significant increase in collected end-of-life PV modules

First quarter 2012 will end with more than 1,000 tonnes

PV CYCLE announced this week, that it will close the first quarter of 2012 with more than 1,000 tonnes of collected end-of-life PV modules. Compared to previous years, this is a significant first quarter performance and demonstrates the capabilities of Europe’s only collective take-back and recycling program for PV modules.

A majority of the collected PV modules came from Germany and Italy, today’s biggest PV markets in Europe. More than 900 tonnes were collected by the association’s tailor-made pick-up service that collects larger quantities of PV modules on location. The rest came through PV CYCLE’s pan-European collection point network, consisting of more than 200 partners today. The two different services enable the organization to meet the needs of its numerous members and to guarantee high collection rates across Europe.

’2012 started exceptionally well and we see that module owners throughout Europe start to really benefit from our comprehensive collection services”, explains Dr. Virginia Gomez, Head of Technology and Operations at PV CYCLE. ’Yet, forecasting future waste streams remains difficult in the PV industry. PV CYCLE not only collects PV modules that reached their technical lifetime of 30 years but also warranty and guaranty cases as well as PV modules that were damaged during transport or installation.”

In 2011, the association collected more than 1,400 tonnes, resulting in a collection rate of approximately 70 percent. Having set the standard in its industry, PV CYCLE aims to collect at least 85 percent of the end-of-life PV modules arising in Europe. ’We continue to expand our take-back infrastructure in order to meet this ambitious goal”, Mr. Jan Clyncke, Managing Director at PV CYCLE, said.

Quelle: PV CYCLE

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